Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Fridays Are Over-Rated

Fridays are really overrated. When you really think about it, we wait four days to get to the magical end of the week just to do nothing. Usually we’re too tired to actually do anything fun and we typically just want to go home and relax. Fridays almost never live up to our expectations.

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Nature Jessica Marie Smith Nature Jessica Marie Smith

Watering the Flowers

Discipline is the only thing that’s keeping those flowers and bushes alive. I know it’s one of our nightly chores that must get done. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I’m grateful that something as simple as watering flowers can help me stay diligent and focused on my everyday life.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Making A House A Home

I enjoy putting together furniture. In fact, I’ve put together every piece of furniture that’s arrived from Amazon. It might take me a while (and I might have to unscrew, flip a piece around, and re-screw) but I stick with the task until the very end. For some reason, I enjoy the challenge of figuring out the super obtuse and poorly written instruction manual to produce a complete piece of furniture.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Organizing My Life

The older I get, the more I need planners to remember appointments and the less I need planners to manage my hourly tasks. I do enjoy the art of writing on paper and when I was in middle and high school, I refused to convert to the convenience of electronic journaling because it just didn’t feel as authentic as putting a pen to paper. But now, I enjoy being able to write on the go with my computer and my phone to make sure that I’m able to get my thoughts across without having to actually sit down and be still for hours at a time.

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Entertainment Jessica Marie Smith Entertainment Jessica Marie Smith

The Lost Art of Reading & Writing

Back in middle and high school, I was big into reading. I would race to finish a book just to get to the next book in my collection. I was indeed the epitome of a book nerd. I kept every single book and I didn’t crack the spines unnecessarily. My favorite series of all time is the Jessica Darling series. I initially loved it because the main character’s name was Jessica, but then I quickly fell in love with the actual story and the plot.

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Fur Babies Jessica Marie Smith Fur Babies Jessica Marie Smith

Nala & Sasha: The Babies

Raising dogs, especially multiple at one time, is not for the weak stomach, weak heart, or weak minded. They will test your boundaries, test your patience, and test your endurance as they figure things out in their world. In many ways, you can compare the growth of puppies to how we grow and develop as adults (minus the weak bladders). We just don’t have handlers keeping us out of serious trouble. 

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Just the Beginning

I’ve always had this passion for writing. Figuring out new ways to combine ordinary words into extraordinary sentences has always been great exercise for my brain. I’m happy that I’m tapping back into that hobby.

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