Just the Beginning

just the beginning

Back when I was in middle school, I got this great idea to start a blog. I didn’t have reliably fast internet, a computer I enjoyed using, or the know-how of getting started (or staying consistent that is), but now, I’m ready to take another stab at it. 

I’ve been feeling…inspired…to say the least.

I’m not sure what will come of this effort, but I’m curious to see where it’ll take me. I’m also not sure how often I plan on posting, where I’ll post, how I’ll design each post, or any of those details, but I’m anxious to dive deep and create something new. 

I’ve always had this passion for writing. Figuring out new ways to combine ordinary words into extraordinary sentences has always been great exercise for my brain. I’m happy that I’m tapping back into that hobby. 

I’m not sure who my audience is, but I hope to provide hope, happiness, joy, and maybe lessons along the journey. I’m most excited to see the growth over time in my writing abilities. 

Maybe I should come up with some ground rules to abide by? Maybe I shouldn’t set guidelines and just go with the flow. 

I do know one thing for certain - I won’t force myself to write to a certain length, but to write to satisfaction. If that means keeping a blog post draft going into multiple days, that’s just what I will do while consciously toeing the line to avoid dragging each post out into weeks. 

Overall, I want this to be a new venture that I look forward to contributing, not because I have to, but because I genuinely want to. 


Jessica Marie


Nala & Sasha: The Babies