Historical Spotlight: Junior Bridgeman
Every year carries its number of lost souls. We’ve already lost numerous legends like Angie Stone, Roy Ayers, and now Junior Bridgeman joins the list. He made history as being more than just a basketball player and decided to create generational wealth for his family by investing in businesses that would last long after his dominance in the NBA. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on his success on and off the court and how he inspired his community to build sustainable wealth.
Historical Spotlight: Fannie Lou Hamer
The fight for justice has never been easy. From being chained up on plantations to being outright discriminated against, Black Americans have had to fight for every right we currently have. Our ancestors had to not only march peacefully for change, but they also had to turn up in the streets with molotov cocktails when needed. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Fannie Lou Hamer, an incredible civil and voting rights activist who inspired her community to fight for change.
Optimizing Our Finances
One of my least favorite parts of adulting is having to constantly switch up insurance providers to optimize my budget. Insurance, similar to taxes, seemingly has nothing to do with your personal actions and is often determined by factors that are completely out of your control. Random entities judge your situation and come up with arbitrary numbers that you’re obligated to pay without even giving you the option to negotiate your case or customize it to your lifestyle. It’s a pain and hassle, but shopping your insurance coverage is a necessary evil.
Is HoneyBook Worth It? A Diamond in the Rough
You want to know something that really grinds my gears? I hate when a platform I love suddenly decides to hike up their prices. It’s like where is the customer loyalty nowadays? Do I not get a cookie for being one of the initial investors in a business once they start gaining traction amongst the masses? We’ve seen it time and time again, but it never gets any easier when a platform switches up on us.
Historical Spotlight: Attica Prison Riot
In society, prison is used to punish people who commit crimes, break laws, or need to be separated from the general public. However, oftentimes prisoners are subjected to unhygienic environments, subpar healthcare, and dangerous situations riddled with violence. Humans can only take being caged up and abused for so long before the inevitable happens and someone snaps. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on the Attica State Prison Riot, one of the most famous and deadliest prison uprisings in history.
Historical Spotlight: Malcolm X
Revolutions take a lot of courage, discipline, and faith to pull off. Advocating for change in a society that has always deemed a group of people as less than requires sacrifice and preservation even as leaders are lost and movements rise and fall. One of the most impactful leaders and revolutionaries of modern Black American history was lost on February 21, 1965 to senseless violence. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Malcolm X.
Historical Spotlight: Oscarville
Throughout history, Black American communities have been deprived of resources and targeted by senseless violence and discrimination. Communities like Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Linnentown in Athens, Georgia have been decimated by racist mobs and have had their histories erased. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Oscarville and the tragic story of the residents who were driven out to create Lake Lanier.
Legendary Legacies
The concept of sports dates back to 7000 BC and originally determined who was fit for military service. The first Olympic Games, held in Olympia in 776 BC, gradually expanded over time to include events like sprinting, javelin and discus throws, chariot racing, wrestling, and even boxing. Over time, participation has expanded to include women and other historically marginalized groups who were once excluded from competition. Join me as we explore the incredible contributions of Black Americans to sports and the significant struggles they’ve overcome to succeed.
Skeleton Crew | Season One Review
Star Wars as a franchise has a large varied collection of art. There is the beloved Clone Wars TV show that introduced us to Ahsoka, the Original Trilogy that can do no wrong, and The Mandalorian that instantly became a fan favorite. There have also been a few flops over the years like the pitiful Sequels and the agenda-pushing Acolyte. It’s nearly impossible to guess what will hit before watching, so I make sure to at least give everything a chance before writing it off. Join me as I dive into a review of the recently released show, Skeleton Crew.
Historical Spotlight: Fisher Island
Fisher Island, Florida is one of the most luxurious and private places to live. It boasts sprawling mansions, beautiful blue water, and is only accessible by private boat, helicopter, or ferry. While it is now a secluded playground for celebrities and rich people, it started out as a venture to improve the lives of Black Americans in Miami. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on the famous, picturesque island that was originally meant to be a resort for Black Americans.
Historical Spotlight: Fancy & Staple Groceries
Success in America has always been subjective and dependent on a person’s socioeconomic status. Black Americans have never been granted equal, fair opportunities to achieve success which has led to disparities in income, generational wealth, education, and more. Despite this, many Black Americans have worked hard to fight through slavery, Jim Crow, Reconstruction, segregation, and racism to create their own version of success. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Fancy & Staple Groceries, the first high-end grocery store opened by Black American, Samuel T. Wilcox.
Historical Spotlight: Mound Bayou, Mississippi
Throughout the course of history, there have been numerous Black American communities that have been targeted, infiltrated, and undermined by the dominant society. Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma was one of the most famous and prosperous communities that was destroyed and decimated. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Mound Bayou, Mississippi, one of the largest standing Black American communities in the United States.
The American Dream
Home ownership used to be one of the most vital parts of achieving the “American Dream.” However, with rising home costs and wages that are struggling to keep up with inflation, many families are forced to hold off on purchasing their very first home until much later in life or go without home ownership altogether. What used to be an accessible milestone has quickly become a Herculean feat only few can actually accomplish.
2024 Wrapped
As Spotify Wrapped has broken the internet with crazy statistics about music listening habits, top artists, and other fun data, I’d like to take a stab at creating my very own 2024 Wrapped specifically for my blog. In lieu of 2025 gracing us with New Year’s resolutions, history yet to be made, and new goals, visions, and dreams, let’s take a walk down memory lane and celebrate how far we’ve gone this year in the final blog post of 2024!
Health is Wealth
Your health is something you should never take for granted. It should be cherished near and dear to your heart because it impacts everything you do. It determines if you can have kids, how long you’ll live, and how many complications you’ll suffer through. It also influences your decision making and can even lead to financial ruin. Don’t allow your life and wellbeing to be sabotaged by unhealthy vices.
The Diplomat - Season 1 & 2 Recap
Finding great shows to watch is sometimes difficult. It requires research, recommendations from others, and a stroke of good luck. My husband and I have very specific tastes in movies and shows that provides a challenge when finding new entertainment. We recently binged season 1 and 2 of The Diplomat on Netflix and it checked all of our boxes to get us hooked!
Distinct Puppy Personalities
One of the best parts of coming home, outside of seeing my husband of course, is getting to see my fur babies after a long day at work. They always get so excited and are so happy when I walk through the door. Their tails are thumping frantically and they are trying their hardest to get rubs from me. It’s amazing just how much love and affection dogs can show their owners.
Historical Spotlight: Marion Barry
Getting elected to a public political office is no small feat. It often entails many hours of hard work and requires getting the broader population to believe in you and your ideas. Politicians can affect citizens’ daily lives by passing memorandums, adjusting tax rates, and instilling social and economic policies. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on one of the most well-known mayors of Washington, D.C., Marion Barry.
The Penguin - Season One Recap
Earlier this year, my husband and I went on a journey to discover some of the classic movies I missed out on during my childhood. I’ve had the most fun learning about the iconic stories of Batman through the movies and video games. It’s safe to say, we’re pretty engrossed in the lore, so naturally, we were stoked when HBO Max announced a new series called The Penguin.
Seen and Not Heard
When I was younger, I always classified myself as an extrovert. I thought I liked talking to people, being involved in all kinds of clubs and organizations, and constantly wanted to have multiple conversations going on at once across a multitude of social media apps. I never truly felt like I was as popular as I thought I wanted to be since I was always seen as the smart girl in school, and we all know there’s an unspoken ceiling to just how cool you can be with that title.