Finances Jessica Marie Smith Finances Jessica Marie Smith

Optimizing Our Finances

One of my least favorite parts of adulting is having to constantly switch up insurance providers to optimize my budget. Insurance, similar to taxes, seemingly has nothing to do with your personal actions and is often determined by factors that are completely out of your control. Random entities judge your situation and come up with arbitrary numbers that you’re obligated to pay without even giving you the option to negotiate your case or customize it to your lifestyle. It’s a pain and hassle, but shopping your insurance coverage is a necessary evil.

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Small Business, Finances Jessica Marie Smith Small Business, Finances Jessica Marie Smith

Is HoneyBook Worth It? A Diamond in the Rough

You want to know something that really grinds my gears? I hate when a platform I love suddenly decides to hike up their prices. It’s like where is the customer loyalty nowadays? Do I not get a cookie for being one of the initial investors in a business once they start gaining traction amongst the masses? We’ve seen it time and time again, but it never gets any easier when a platform switches up on us.

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Finances Jessica Marie Smith Finances Jessica Marie Smith

New Car Madness

Living in a large city without reliable public transportation like Atlanta or Los Angeles makes having a car a necessity. Going to work, dropping your kids off at school, and running simple errands would be incredibly inconvenient if you didn’t have a car to get around. The price of new cars has risen an average of 32% since 2018, making it incredibly important to know how to responsibly purchase a new vehicle without putting your financial livelihood at risk.

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Finances Jessica Marie Smith Finances Jessica Marie Smith

Smart Money Decisions

When I was young, my parents taught me the basics of finances at an early age. We practiced balancing a checkbook, recording transactions, and even went over the good, and bad, sides of accruing interest. It was extremely important to them that I kept a good grasp on the money I spent to ensure it didn’t surpass the amount of money I had available. I never knew just how expensive life was until I got older, and it continues to amaze me even now.

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Lifestyle, Finances Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle, Finances Jessica Marie Smith

Hustling Backwards

There are very specific situations under which college makes sense. The pros and cons must be carefully analyzed to ensure all the effort on assignments and money on tuition is actually worth it in the long run. Certain majors like communication studies, psychology, history, art, social work and others of the like are useless degrees that won’t really recoup an investment. Unfortunately, these degrees either lead to jobs that pay less than $60,000 per year or require additional schooling to really get into the field to make more money.

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Finances Jessica Marie Smith Finances Jessica Marie Smith

Root Of All Evil

The qualities to succeed in corporate America are the exact qualities that will keep a woman single and alone. The domineering, aggressive, and stubborn nature that women must use to be on level playing ground at a job just won’t work in a healthy marriage situation. At the end of the day, it’s in a man’s nature to lead his household and family. Most won’t put up with a particularly quarrelsome woman for long.

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