Fridays Are Over-Rated

Fridays are really overrated. When you really think about it, we wait four days to get to the magical end of the week just to do nothing. Usually we’re too tired to actually do anything fun and we typically just want to go home and relax. Fridays almost never live up to our expectations. 

Now Mondays on the other hand, definitely live up to their reputation. Usually Mondays are crazy, full of activity, and a quick start to the week. I get the most action on Mondays and I typically feel the most energized to withstand the torrential work load. Mondays can either make or break your week if you let them.

No matter where you may personally stand on which days are better, it’s interesting to see the unintentional pattern our days take. Human beings are extreme creatures of habit. That’s the truest thing I can say about myself. If nothing else, I am a product of repetition. I enjoy knowing what is supposed to come next in my day and my life. I try to stay away from too much unplanned spontaneity because it typically means responsibilities are falling by the wayside or other things are going amiss. 

I also don’t like making decisions or standing firm on them. I definitely would rather someone else make the final decision and just ask for my preference and thoughts along the way. I have never been a naturally direct person. More than likely, I won’t tell someone how I truly feel especially if it has a chance of coming off mean, hurtful, or rude. I pride myself on being a nice, pleasant person and I intend on keeping things that way. I also don’t necessarily stand up for myself if I’m being overcommitted. I dislike rocking the boat and would much rather just steer us into clear waters than cause us to capsize. 

I consider myself a Type B person because my disposition is pretty laid back and I’m not too analytical. I’d much prefer to write than deal with any numbers or scientific findings. I think that in turn makes me a good worker bee. A good follower for the better good. Someone who is willing to get the work done without needing the spotlight or any additional attention to keep them satiated. 

I prefer staying out of the limelight. Getting married was the biggest spotlight that I’ve had to endure so far and I definitely was uncomfortable for some of it. I just don’t like being doted on unnecessarily. I think sometimes when I’m feeling particularly needy and/or emotional, I want extra attention from Kris, but no one else. When I’m happy, healthy, and my needs are being met, I don’t want my loved ones and friends putting me in the center of the room for all to adore. That’s just not something that I need. 

During the whole bridal shower, wedding rehearsal, ceremony, and reception, I soaked up the attention but some moments were out of my normal character. For example, I tend to not kiss Kris in front of other people ESPECIALLY our parents. I’m just weirded out by that type of thing and we kissed not just when we were pronounced husband and wife but when we cut the cake too. The garter retrieval was wild for obvious reasons. The bridal shower festivities definitely caught me off guard. I had never attended one before and the opening of the risqué gifts was news to me. I was a good sport but whew that was definitely a once in a lifetime event. 


Jessica Marie 


Becoming a Softball Fan


Watering the Flowers