Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Happy Spouse, Happy House

There’s a lot of things they never tell you about marriage until you’re deep in the midst of a long term, committed relationship. Things like disagreements, finances, kids, pets, and even daily struggles can become landmines if there’s not a solid foundation and a mutual understanding. It’s important that two people are working towards the same goals as a team and not detracting from the overall good of the family.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Snail Mail

Personally, there are few things that I despise more than the HOA in my neighborhood. For those of you lucky to not know, most homes built in subdivisions today have a Homeowners Association that you can’t opt out of. My biggest gripe is that the HOA isn’t run by the actual homeowners, but instead run by an outsourced community management company that’s usually far removed from the neighborhood itself.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Once in a Lifetime

Even though our wedding was a beautiful day and ceremony, I can’t say I would love to plan another wedding. While I refused to allow the moment to stress me out, it was a lot getting family and friends together in Athens as we celebrated our nuptials. I understand why getting married is a once in a lifetime event. From dress shopping to cake tasting to deciding the tuxes for the groomsmen to picking flowers and everything in between, it’s definitely a marathon and not a sprint.

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Travel Jessica Marie Smith Travel Jessica Marie Smith

Weekend Getaway

I used to be a leave everything in my suitcase and just rumble around for things I need girl, but I unpacked during this trip just to see how it was and I liked that method waaaaaay better. And it makes it incredibly easier to pack when leaving. I used the hour of free time we needed to burn to unpack all of our clothes and set up the bathroom with our hygiene stuff since I seriously didn’t want to do it when I was tired later that night.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Brain Fog

Brain fog is real. Being so busy that you can’t see the trees from the forest is real. Having boundaries and understanding that there are just certain situations that you have to push through are vital pills to swallow early. I definitely still struggle with all of the above.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Positive Intent

I like to assume positive intent. I stray away from assuming people are all bad (or all good for that matter) and instead hope that people will do the right thing. I don’t have a jaded view of the world where I inherently think people are out to make your life unnecessarily difficult or only care about their own personal gain. I’ll give people the benefit of the doubt and assume something was an oversight instead of malicious intent.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Fridays Are Over-Rated

Fridays are really overrated. When you really think about it, we wait four days to get to the magical end of the week just to do nothing. Usually we’re too tired to actually do anything fun and we typically just want to go home and relax. Fridays almost never live up to our expectations.

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