Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Snail Mail

Personally, there are few things that I despise more than the HOA in my neighborhood. For those of you lucky to not know, most homes built in subdivisions today have a Homeowners Association that you can’t opt out of. My biggest gripe is that the HOA isn’t run by the actual homeowners, but instead run by an outsourced community management company that’s usually far removed from the neighborhood itself.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith


The list feature in Amazon is undefeated. The fact that I can create a list for each section of my house and window shop for things that I might never buy speaks to the Type A in my personality.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Making A House A Home

I enjoy putting together furniture. In fact, I’ve put together every piece of furniture that’s arrived from Amazon. It might take me a while (and I might have to unscrew, flip a piece around, and re-screw) but I stick with the task until the very end. For some reason, I enjoy the challenge of figuring out the super obtuse and poorly written instruction manual to produce a complete piece of furniture.

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