Small Business Jessica Marie Smith Small Business Jessica Marie Smith

Time to Pivot

There will be people out there who absolutely love the planners I create just like there will be people who hate them. The same can be said about my training sessions, postcards, video editing, and any and every other thing I create. Nothing is perfect in this life, so there’s no point in stressing over the things I can’t change or control. The most important thing is to just find your tribe that appreciates the skills, products, and assistance only you can offer.

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Small Business Jessica Marie Smith Small Business Jessica Marie Smith

Cracking the Etsy Code

Recently, I’ve gotten an influx of new orders and sales and it brings me so much joy to fulfill them. It helps reaffirm that I’m on the right path with my designs, products, and offerings. While it definitely takes a while to get noticed, people will eventually find value in what you create. It’s important to keep going even when you don’t necessarily see the fruits of your labor yet.

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Small Business, Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Small Business, Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Unconventional Nuances

I saw this quote recently that had an impact on me. Someone said “Post your content. It doesn’t matter who is watching or how nervous you feel. It’s valuable.” So often, I get in my head over how other people will view the things I post, including this entire blog. For the longest, I didn’t post anything on my Instagram story because it didn’t seem that anyone cared for the content I created. Truthfully, it still doesn’t seem like many people care, but I’m pushing myself to not let that be a deterrent for me.

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