Cracking the Etsy Code

cracking the etsy code

Etsy is an amazing platform to find truly unique items, customizable templates, and beautiful handcrafted products. You can personalize shirts, purchase wedding invitations, or even customize a neon wall sign all from the comfort of your home. It is also a great platform for sellers to find their customer base without having to prematurely shell out money for an operational website and marketing. 

Personally, I’m still trying to figure out what items sell consistently. It’s definitely been a journey for me and I haven’t struck gold yet, but I’m eager for the day when I see substantial growth. I’ve listed the following items on my shop since opening it in 2022:

  • Mary Kay planners 

  • Workout planners

  • Recipe/meal planners

  • Notebooks 

  • Postcards

  • Printable wall art

  • Editable Canva templates 

  • Certificates 

  • Business cards

I have offered both printed and digital download products for sale. Like I mentioned in Consistent Stationary, I love the joy of printed products but for Etsy, I prefer offering digital download products. That way, it’s more passive and requires less work once the products are completed. At this point however, I’m happy with each and every new order placed on my Etsy shop. I get geeked every time I get a notification that I made a sale. 

Recently, I’ve gotten an influx of new orders and sales and it brings me so much joy to fulfill them. It helps reaffirm that I’m on the right path with my designs, products, and offerings. While it definitely takes a while to get noticed, people will eventually find value in what you create. It’s important to keep going even when you don’t necessarily see the fruits of your labor yet. 

I always go through cycles where the traction seems to grow exponentially overnight and then I go months without a single order. From time to time, I do research to get some new tactics to grow on the platform and one piece of advice I’ve seen is that Etsy rewards shops that post new products consistently. I think instead of posting 10 products all on one day, I want to get to the point where I’m posting maybe one or two products every other day or something of the sort. I also want to update the outdated and expired listings quicker so that I can not only attract more buyers, but so my shop stays active with the algorithm. 

I have a list of ideas for digital products to create through New Year’s Eve that I am making my way through. While it’s definitely a work in progress and nothing that can be completed in a short amount of time, I’d classify the task as a medium priority since the number of outdated and expired listings are piling up. 

One day I will crack the Etsy code to get consistent, passive sales, but until then, I’ll just enjoy the journey of getting better each and every day. I’m excited for what the future may bring and the new products I will create. 

If you enjoyed this episode, let me know by giving this video a thumbs up, leaving a comment, and subscribing to my channel. See you in the next episode! 


Jessica Marie


Jury Duty


Time is of the Essence