Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Jackie Robinson

Over the last four years or so, baseball has rapidly become one of my favorite sports. It’s really entertaining to watch the battle between pitchers and hitters. Black Americans didn’t always have the opportunity to make a name for themselves in the big leagues. It took courage from outstanding people to break barriers and change the norm. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on the legendary Jackie Robinson and the impact he had on baseball.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: A.G. Gaston

Entrepreneurship is an amazing tool if you have the lifestyle, work ethic, and perseverance to support it. Black Americans have always faced difficulties in owning businesses simply because of the unjust system that permeates society. There have been individuals here and there that have gotten ahead and built successful organizations over the years, but they were oftentimes sabotaged to their demise. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on businessman A.G. Gaston and the impact he had on the local Birmingham community.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Juneteenth

Many people think of February as one of the most important months for Black Americans since it’s Black History Month. While it’s definitely an important time to look back on the inventions, advancements, and struggles of our ancestors, it’s only one part of our overarching history. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on our true independence day, Juneteenth.

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Historical Spotlights, Sports Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights, Sports Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Jim Brown

Black Americans have participated in and made numerous contributions to sports throughout history. Oftentimes, athletic progress and achievement for Black Americans has come from “breaking the color barrier” in professional leagues to force widespread cultural change. However, there’s a long history of racism, segregation, and discrimination that most Black athletes have had to endure. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on one of the greatest running backs of all time, James Nathaniel Brown.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Star-Spangled Symbols

With Memorial Day right around the corner, many people are planning festivities to honor the brave men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.They took an oath of allegiance to the country and stood to protect the strength of our nation. The American Flag and Star-Spangled Banner are perceived differently across all segments of the population depending on historical implications, social status, and other factors. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on the origins of the U.S. Flag and the original lyrics of the national anthem.

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Food & Cooking, Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Food & Cooking, Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Aunt Jemima

I’ve always loved pancakes. My mom would always make me one big fluffy pancake and she would very rarely burn them. Even now that I’m older, I either make pancakes or waffles for breakfast every single weekend as a tradition in my household. Aunt Jemima pancake mix has always been a trusted go-to for perfectly fluffy and golden pancakes. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on the racial implications of the famous brand.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Cowboys of the Wild West

Popular shows like Yellowstone, Westwood, Bonanza, and many others pay homage to the cowboys of the Wild West. While most of them feature Caucasian actors, it’s actually estimated that 25% of cowboys from 1866 to 1886 were actually Black Americans. Despite being underrepresented in popular society, the Black cowboys played a vital role in settling the untouched land of the West. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on the Black ranchers, cowboys, and settlers that helped shape the nation.

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Sports, Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Sports, Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Dawn Staley

Women’s college basketball has exploded in popularity over the last few years. The sport has seen phenomenal teams and athletes really put everything on the line to beat opponents and make their sport more relevant. With the guidance of their coach, the University of South Carolina Gamecocks won this year’s NCAA championship game against Iowa and put a cherry on top of a perfect undefeated season. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on the great legend Dawn Staley.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Linnentown

As a proud alumna of the University of Georgia, I spent many years in Athens growing and developing into a young adult. I attended sporting events, played a vital role in my housing community as a Resident Assistant, and even met my husband while taking a journalism class. The very dorm I lived in for three years, unbeknownst to me, was actually a catalyst for decimating an entire thriving Black neighborhood not even 100 years ago. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on Linnentown.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: John Brown

Black Americans have always had to fight for equal rights and treatment in America. Whether the fight was on a plantation, in a courtroom, or even at a place of education, there have been many brave and courageous people who have stood up against the massive bloodshed, treachery, and thievery experienced by the Black community. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on John Brown, one of the few white abolitionists in the 1800’s who fought against slavery and the unfair treatment of Black people.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Delilah Beasley

When I enrolled in college at the University of Georgia, I aspired to become a journalist. I enjoyed writing and envisioned myself delivering impactful stories for the millions of people who would watch me on TV. After going through my collegiate program, however, I quickly realized the journalism life wasn’t something I wanted to pursue long term. Black American heroes like Delilah Beasley broke the barrier for Black people to pursue the journey of journalism. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on Delilah’s 50 year career and the impact she left on society.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Powerful Protests

Happy Black History Month! When we think of Jim Crow Laws, Segregation, and The Civil Rights Movement, it’s sometimes easy to automatically assume it happened so long ago. However, when you really take a look at the dates, it’s astounding that most Black Americans fought for the freedoms we know today within the last 100 years. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on some of the protests during the Civil Rights Movement that eventually led to change and improvements for Black Americans in society.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Jerry Lawson

Online gaming is a hobby enjoyed by millions around the world. Some fanatics enjoy consoles like PlayStation and Xbox while others prefer handheld systems like the Nintendo Switch or even something more powerful like a gaming PC. No matter what games and devices you’ve played, you have one man to thank for inventing the very first gaming console in 1976. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on Jerry Lawson.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Parsley Massacre

Good entertainment is more than just fun distraction from reality. It’s engaging, informative, and a well rounded body of content. It can also open your mind to new ideas or even teach you something that you never learned in history class. While watching a recent YouTube video by Phillip Scott, I was prompted to do some research after he mentioned a historical event that I had never heard of before. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on the Parsley massacre and the long standing ramifications that continue to impact the region to this very day.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Historical Spotlight: Christmas

The holiday season in today’s day and time is usually filled with sparkling lights, warm cheer, beautifully wrapped presents, and multiple reasons to give thanks and be grateful. It’s a stark difference from the experiences our enslaved ancestors had to endure during this time of the year. Join me as we shine a Historical FBA Spotlight on Christmas.

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Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith Historical Spotlights Jessica Marie Smith

Just Another Day

Over the past six or seven months, Krissy and I have really stepped up our knowledge surrounding black people and our struggles, politics, and tactics used by other groups to keep us down. While today is considered a major holiday by others in our society, over a hundred years ago our ancestors were lied to in a vicious game of keep away. Today is just another day for us.

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