Small Business Jessica Marie Smith Small Business Jessica Marie Smith

Perfecting My Craft | 2024 Content Goals

As the New Year rapidly approaches, December is always a popular time to start thinking about resolutions to change bad habits and set goals for the upcoming year. Some people jump into a strict fitness regimen while others buckle down from all the holiday spending to achieve some financial milestones. Setting goals for the New Year doesn’t just stop on a personal level. Lots of business owners use this time period to align their visions, thoughts, and ideas to create an action plan for the following year.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Pushing Agendas

Although it’s not the blatant, in your face propaganda like we were taught in history class, it seems as time goes on, we are fed information to fit certain narratives. Companies, politicians, and other individuals absolutely produce marketing and advertising to push certain agendas to the masses. Sometimes the agendas are harmless and focus more on promoting certain products, but most of the time they are more sinister to try and uproot your way of life or undermine a certain group in America.

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