Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Office Culture

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get an urge to make a big change in my life. I’ve recently been thinking about finding a new job. I don’t have the worst job in the world, but I would love the opportunity to experience a new organization and get a change of pace. Thankfully, we live in a world where leaving a company after just a few years isn’t unheard of. Long gone are the days of being loyal to a company for 20 to 30 years of your life.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Work Life Balance

When the world shut down, companies had to adapt and change. People couldn’t physically get together in fear of sickness so developing ways to continue work remotely was very important. It opened a global market for remote work in a way that no one could’ve foreseen or predicted. And now, three years later, remote work has increasingly grown in popularity.

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