Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Pivotal Point

Being an adult is tricky, especially when trying to be a responsible adult. There are often times when I’d love to completely change my life, but because of my pre-existing responsibilities, I have to be more strategic with the moves I make. While I don’t think dreams always have to be put on the backburner, it’s important to learn the beauty of timing that makes sense.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

New Life Hurdles

It’s crazy to think that just 5 years ago, I was a sophomore in college trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Fast forward to now, and I would’ve never guessed I’d be married with two dogs by now. I also never thought I’d have my own small business and publishing a weekly blog. While I’m still figuring things out, I can say I understand more of what I want in my world and life.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Journey of Learning

Every person we come across, situation we face, and conversation we have adds to our repertoire of knowledge. Everything we do helps us to learn more about ourselves, the world we live in, and the people around us. It’s important to pay close attention to hopefully avoid repeating certain lessons multiple times. Trust and believe, if you don’t grasp a concept the first time, the powers that be - the Lord, the Universe, whatever higher being you believe in - will present the lesson in different formats until you finally get the idea.

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