Historical Spotlight: Attica Prison Riot
In society, prison is used to punish people who commit crimes, break laws, or need to be separated from the general public. However, oftentimes prisoners are subjected to unhygienic environments, subpar healthcare, and dangerous situations riddled with violence. Humans can only take being caged up and abused for so long before the inevitable happens and someone snaps. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on the Attica State Prison Riot, one of the most famous and deadliest prison uprisings in history.
Historical Spotlight: Malcolm X
Revolutions take a lot of courage, discipline, and faith to pull off. Advocating for change in a society that has always deemed a group of people as less than requires sacrifice and preservation even as leaders are lost and movements rise and fall. One of the most impactful leaders and revolutionaries of modern Black American history was lost on February 21, 1965 to senseless violence. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Malcolm X.
Historical Spotlight: Marion Barry
Getting elected to a public political office is no small feat. It often entails many hours of hard work and requires getting the broader population to believe in you and your ideas. Politicians can affect citizens’ daily lives by passing memorandums, adjusting tax rates, and instilling social and economic policies. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on one of the most well-known mayors of Washington, D.C., Marion Barry.
Historical Spotlight: Montgomery Bus Boycott
Being on code is one of the most important and powerful things a socioeconomic group can do in society. Not only does it foster camaraderie amongst individuals, but it also sends a message to the powers that be. Throughout history, Black Americans have had to rely on each other to fight through adversity in hopes of receiving equal treatment. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on the famous Montgomery Bus Boycott and its long lasting economic and social impacts.
Historical Spotlight: Medgar Evers
Going to school without fear of being targeted solely based on your race is a modern luxury that many fought and lost their lives for. Desegregation created volatile and oftentimes deadly mobs that stood in the way of integration of public schools and institutions. The Little Rock Nine were one example of just how dangerous integration actually was for many young Black Americans pursuing an education. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Medgar Evers, a civil rights activist who fought for change in Mississippi.
Historical Spotlight: A.G. Gaston
Entrepreneurship is an amazing tool if you have the lifestyle, work ethic, and perseverance to support it. Black Americans have always faced difficulties in owning businesses simply because of the unjust system that permeates society. There have been individuals here and there that have gotten ahead and built successful organizations over the years, but they were oftentimes sabotaged to their demise. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on businessman A.G. Gaston and the impact he had on the local Birmingham community.
Historical Spotlight: Juneteenth
Many people think of February as one of the most important months for Black Americans since it’s Black History Month. While it’s definitely an important time to look back on the inventions, advancements, and struggles of our ancestors, it’s only one part of our overarching history. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on our true independence day, Juneteenth.
Historical Spotlight: Powerful Protests
Happy Black History Month! When we think of Jim Crow Laws, Segregation, and The Civil Rights Movement, it’s sometimes easy to automatically assume it happened so long ago. However, when you really take a look at the dates, it’s astounding that most Black Americans fought for the freedoms we know today within the last 100 years. Join me as we shine a historical spotlight on some of the protests during the Civil Rights Movement that eventually led to change and improvements for Black Americans in society.