Historical Spotlight: Attica Prison Riot
In society, prison is used to punish people who commit crimes, break laws, or need to be separated from the general public. However, oftentimes prisoners are subjected to unhygienic environments, subpar healthcare, and dangerous situations riddled with violence. Humans can only take being caged up and abused for so long before the inevitable happens and someone snaps. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on the Attica State Prison Riot, one of the most famous and deadliest prison uprisings in history.
Historical Spotlight: Malcolm X
Revolutions take a lot of courage, discipline, and faith to pull off. Advocating for change in a society that has always deemed a group of people as less than requires sacrifice and preservation even as leaders are lost and movements rise and fall. One of the most impactful leaders and revolutionaries of modern Black American history was lost on February 21, 1965 to senseless violence. Join me as we shine a Historical Spotlight on Malcolm X.
Legendary Legacies
The concept of sports dates back to 7000 BC and originally determined who was fit for military service. The first Olympic Games, held in Olympia in 776 BC, gradually expanded over time to include events like sprinting, javelin and discus throws, chariot racing, wrestling, and even boxing. Over time, participation has expanded to include women and other historically marginalized groups who were once excluded from competition. Join me as we explore the incredible contributions of Black Americans to sports and the significant struggles they’ve overcome to succeed.