Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Celebrating My 27th Birthday! | 10 Favorite Memories from the Past Year

It’s the day after my 27th birthday, and whoever said when you start getting older, the years start flying, wasn’t lying. I’ll try not to get too sentimental, but it’s honestly difficult not to when I remember all the different phases of my life that I’ve gone through to make me into the person I’m proud of today. In true Jessica Marie fashion, I like to stay lowkey and out the mix as much as possible. To celebrate 10/10, I’d like to share 10 of my favorite memories from this past year. 

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Elaborate Affection

The love of my life will be turning 26 tomorrow. It’ll be our sixth time celebrating his birthday together and I vividly remember each year. Pretty soon we’ll look up and realize we’re knocking on a decade of being together. It’s truly crazy how fast time flies when you’re having fun. Every year I want to do these cute, elaborate displays of affection and this is the year that I finally decided to put my thoughts into action.

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Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith Lifestyle Jessica Marie Smith

Happy Birthday | 25 Life Lessons Learned By 26

Birthdays are a joyous occasion and typically include lots of fanfare. Some people dread turning older while others fully embrace their additional wisdom. Before my 26th birthday, I’d like to share 25 things that I’ve learned throughout my short lifetime.

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