Passion Project


Every year that passes, I’m amazed at how fast time is moving. I’ve always heard that time moves faster when you get older, but to see it with my very own eyes is interesting. Like, it’s already June! Where did the first half of the year go? I vividly remember bringing in the New Year watching Georgia Football, and now we’re closer to the beginning of a new NCAA football season than we are to the end of last season already. 

If you haven’t noticed already, this blog is published on a different day than my normal Friday posting schedule. In celebration of making it a full year of writing semi consistently, I plan on dropping two blog posts a week for the entire month of June. It’s crazy to think how different things were just 365 days ago when I got the bright idea to start writing and publishing my thoughts. 

I can’t remember exactly why I decided that it was time to get back into writing, but it was an itch that I didn’t realize needed to be scratched. Even when I took that hiatus from July of last year to basically March of this year, there were numerous times when I’d be writing in my head but missing out on the cathartic effects of putting muscles to ideas. 

I guess I can say happy one year anniversary to the Musings of Jessica Marie blog! The very first post was published on June 7th, 2022 and I never thought I’d fall off for seven months and come back with a newfound passion for it. 

I’ve gained new readers and friends who encourage me to keep going. While Krissy may not read every single word of every single blog post, I know he supports my efforts to get things off my chest and out of my head with a creative outlet. Some topics are still a little too….out there….for me to delve into, but you never know what the next writing session may bring. 

Like I said in my initial post, I’m writing until my heart is content and satisfied. I’m still not putting any pressure on myself to write to a certain length or about certain topics. I do have a running list of topics I think would be interesting to explore, but if my heart is pulling me in one direction over another, by all means those topics will sit there until I feel inspired to write about them. 

I’ve made my way through a couple of topics on my list, but I have twice as many waiting on the docket. In fact, I had the idea about writing Unconventional Nuances about a month before I actually felt inspired enough to flesh it out. I saw the initial quote, got inspired, sat on the idea too long, got cold feet, wrote other content, got inspired again, and finally finished it. The number one thing that I never want to do with this blog is force topics. To me, it’s insincere and just not my best work. Just because I can, doesn’t mean that’s necessarily the best. 

At the end of the day, my blog is a passion project. If one day in the future it’s able to get monetized and be a passive money maker, cool, but that’s not why I consistently write these posts. I write because I genuinely enjoy getting the words out of my head in a creatively engineered sentence, paragraph, passage. 

That’s it. That’s all. If more abundance comes, I’ll gladly welcome it. However, if nothing changes from now until next year or within the next 5 or 10 years, I would be happy simply knowing that I am documenting my growth through my mid twenties. Everything in this life isn’t just about making money. It’s about having things, hobbies, activities, family, and friends who you genuinely enjoy. 


Jessica Marie


Between the Hedges


Expect the Unexpected