Healed and Healthy

Healing a loved one after they have surgery is always a stressful time. You have to help the patient follow the after-procedure instructions of activity or diet restrictions to ensure proper healing. Sometimes you have to physically support them if they don’t have the strength to do so themselves and other times you have to take care of household duties that they’re unable to complete during that time period. 

Healing a fur baby adds an additional challenge of keeping their activity restricted when all they want to do is play and run around. They don’t understand that they must rest in order to get back to their normal routine. It’s one of the most difficult things to manage, especially when they start getting annoyed from being cooped up.

During her healing process, we didn’t keep Nala in the cage 24/7, but there were definitely certain moments that she had to be contained due to her energy and excitement. For example, whenever Kris and I came home, she would be sooooo excited to see us and she would try to run, jump, and stand up on us for attention. She was placed under strict no jumping, no running instructions, so she had to wait in the cage until she calmed down enough to be let out. 

Nala’s final appointment for her repaired knee was scheduled for the fifth week after her surgery and she passed her check up with flying colors. She had to get a final x-ray to ensure the bone was healing properly. The doctor came in and let us know her knee looks perfect and that we can start easing her back up to her prior activity levels. Ideally, she won't have any activity restrictions by the eighth week after surgery. 

That was great news for us, but I’m honestly a little amazed at how quickly she healed. Maybe her knee muscle wasn’t torn to shreds like we thought it was and there was minimal repair needed. Or maybe all the veggies, hip and joint supplements, and fruits she eats on a daily basis helped speed up her recovery process. Whatever helped, I’m just glad she’s back to her normal self.

Once we got back home from her appointment, we immediately walked her slowly upstairs. She was nervous at first to put weight on her back leg, but after the third one, she felt a little more confident. She also had to get used to coming down too. Kris and I made sure to walk slowly in front of her so she didn’t just sprint the stairs before she built her strength back up. 

I would say she hadn’t gone up the stairs uninjured in at least two months prior, so I bet it was a big adjustment for her. Carrying her upstairs every evening definitely was tearing my back up. While she’s a little baby, she’s still 65 pounds of solid, lean muscle. I’m just thankful she’s able to walk upstairs on her own now and not in any pain from a bum knee. 

Dr. Seibert at Sugar Hill Animal Hospital did a great job healing Nala. She seemed to really care about her patients and met with us each time we came into the office. We were referred to her by Nala’s normal vet, who diagnosed her condition. 

The biggest piece of advice I’d share about owning a pet, particularly a dog, is to get them on pet insurance as soon as you get them as puppies. Just based on how easily they get injured, you’ll find yourself needing to make a claim quicker than you think. While most claims and issues are relatively inexpensive, you never know when your dog might need a $5,000 surgery that’s NOT optional. Hard decisions would have to be made, and you just don’t want to put yourself in that situation. 

The pet insurance we use is Healthy Paws. They get the job done for the most part and have different plans based on how much they’ll reimburse once you meet the deductible. Unlike regular human health insurance, the claims don’t bill directly to the insurance company, so it’s important to have all your pet medical records and receipts organized and handy. 

Overall, I don’t have any regrets getting the surgery for the dog. It was the difference between her limping around, potentially in pain, and being a carefree three year old puppy. The money spent will ultimately make its way back to us tenfold, but the peace of mind we have that Nala is healed and healthy is well worth the journey we’ve all been on.  

If you enjoyed this episode, let me know by giving this video a thumbs up, leaving a comment, and subscribing to my channel. I’ll see you in the next episode! 


Jessica Marie


Time to Pivot


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