Divine Intervention

Almost everyone has a higher being that they believe in, whether that’s God, the universe, karma, a deity, or anything along the spiritual realm to get them through hard times and tribulations. While I may not consider myself the most spiritual person out there, I definitely understand the importance of trusting in a higher being.

I was presented with an opportunity at work that has to stay under wraps for now, but once things are finalized, I’ll provide a better update with details. It’s a pretty significant change that will impact my life, so moments like these are when my faith and trust in the Lord comes into major play. I get the opportunity to completely change directions and of course, with that comes mixed feelings. Not only am I nervous about making such a big change, but I’m ecstatic all at the same time. I’m worried about the adjustments I’ll have to make with the dogs, but I’m happy to do something different on a daily basis. The decision is weighing heavily on my mind, but a massive weight has been lifted at the same time to provide a breath of fresh air. 

No matter what I do, I never want to make a decision that’s not in line with the plan Jesus has for my life. I know that whatever is written in my life story is designed to teach me lessons, provide me with life skills, and sometimes even test my faith just to strengthen it. With that in mind, when I’m thinking over a major life decision, it calms my nerves to just give all my trepidation, worry, and anxiety about the situation over to God. 

Scripture tells us that He will never leave, nor forsake us during our time of need and that He will always be there to comfort and guide us. While I don’t consistently attend church, I rely on God’s love to get me through the most difficult parts of my life. In the same breath, there’s nothing good in my life that has happened without God’s divine intervention and orchestration. 

I give thanks to the Lord everyday for allowing me to experience the true joy and love of having a wonderful marriage with my best friend. He set Kris aside as my soulmate and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. There’s no way I would’ve been able to dream of the amazing miracles the Lord has done for me in my short lifetime. 

It’s important to give thanks to the Lord no matter if we’re currently in the lowest valley of our lives, or the highest mountain top. Anything could change at any moment's notice where the Lord can humble us with one fell swoop of his command. I try to stay grounded in knowing that tides always turn and nothing stays the same forever, good or bad. 

Whatever is for me, is for me. Nothing can stop it from coming to me, nor can anyone stand in the way or divert it from me. I rest easy knowing that my plan is already in motion and has been written with a pen of gold by the ultimate author Himself. Of course I can get in my own way and refuse to allow the Lord’s work to shine, but that would be a foolish venture to take on…and it would leave me more worried, stressed, and upset than relieved. 

For any of you out there struggling to make a decision or feeling stuck between two crossroads, spend some quiet moments with your thoughts and God. He definitely speaks to us with signs, signals, and messages. We just have to be ready to receive them with open arms and hearts. Psalm 23:4 and John 14:27 help comfort me when I need God’s guidance. 

I always remember my mom reading Psalm 23 to me as a young girl so everytime I hear or read it now, it brings back a nostalgic feeling. Psalm as a whole is one of my favorite books in the entire Bible because it provides so many life lessons and is a general compass on how to live and interact amongst others. 

If you enjoyed this episode, let me know by giving this video a thumbs up, leaving a comment, and subscribing to my channel. See you in the next episode! 


Jessica Marie


Time is of the Essence


Growth Cycle