Chow Down

chow down thumbnail with dog, food bowls, and treats

What you feed your dog tends to be a hot topic. Some owners swear by the raw diet while others keep it simple with normal kibble. We’re encouraged to watch their portions to make sure they don’t overeat while also providing nutrients to help them sustain a healthy life. Don’t even get me started about the numerous supplements and vitamins available on the market to help with joint, skin, allergy, and even gastrointestinal issues. 

When Nala and Sasha were babies, I was pretty against giving them a lot of table food solely because Kris’ childhood dog, Layla, would pass up her actual dog food in hopes of getting some of our human food. I didn’t want them to become too reliant on table scraps so we introduced new foods to them slowly. Fun fact, the first day that we brought them home, they split their very first apple while Kris and I went to the store to grab some supplies for them.

As a devoted pet owner, it’s important to always double check what we give our canine companions before they eat something that’s toxic and dangerous to their well-being. Even if it’s something I’ve given them multiple times before, I still like to double check just in case I’m remembering details incorrectly. Some of Nala and Sasha’s favorite human treats are watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew melon, apples, pineapple, tortilla chips, Cheeto puffs, pancakes, scrambled eggs, broccoli, and cauliflower. To help curb their appetites a little, we incorporate a handful of broccoli and cauliflower into their meals after a recommendation by their vet since they only get 1 cup of kibble each. 

As for the fruits, Nala is extremely picky. Her absolute favorites that she will eat at any given time are cantaloupe and watermelon. She likes to act funny with the other ones. We like to call her our sweets and snacking dog. She prefers Cheeto puffs, tortilla chips, and even ice cream more than she prefers the healthier snacks of strawberries, pineapple, and honey dew melon. 

Sasha on the other hand is a typical lab…hungry and willing to eat you out of house and home if you let her. If Nala’s list of dislikes are a mile long, you can count Sasha’s list of dislikes on one hand. She doesn’t really like spicy things like buffalo or hot sauce and she doesn’t like the texture of deli meat. She’s definitely our greedy dog, despite being hesitant to try new things. 

The fresh, human foods take priority in their diet, but we do have a small stash of commercial dog treats including dog biscuits and some specialty ones they received in a monthly subscription box last month. Those packaged dog treats are definitely more convenient, but sometimes you have to question the quality of them. Like how are manufacturers able to make them in bulk so quickly? It just seems fishy to me, so we give them only as extra special treats every once in a while. 

On the flip side, when we prepare their treats at home, we have more control over the ingredients and can ensure there’s no cross contamination or unnecessary fillers being added. Nala and Sasha definitely prefer the natural snacks that are made in my kitchen, and often sit either right in front of the stove or in the vicinity so they have an unobstructed view as I prepare food.

If you struggle with knowing what to feed your dog as snacks, keep reading to learn five of my dogs’ favorite things to eat! 

1 - Broccoli

Broccoli is a naturally filling, low-calorie vegetable, making it perfect for dogs that need to manage their weight. It’s also high in fiber to help regulate digestion and prevent constipation. Avoid adding seasonings, salt, or oils when preparing it for your dog. Usually, thawing some frozen broccoli florets does just the trick.  

2 - Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is a good source of vitamin A and C, which contribute to your dog’s immune system, skin, and overall well-being and health. It also has a high water content, making it a perfect hydrating option for those hot summer days. Make sure to remove the seeds and rind before letting your pup chow down. 

3 - Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein for dogs, supporting muscle development and overall growth. The healthy fats also help maintain a shiny coat and healthy skin. Choose natural, unsalted peanut butter without added sugars or preservatives for the healthiest option.  

4 - Banana

Bananas are a great source of potassium, vitamins C and B6, and fiber. They help ensure your pup’s digestive system is healthy and functioning without issue. Most dogs enjoy the natural sweetness and look forward to the tasty snack. 

5 - Apple

Apples are another great source of vitamins A, C, and fiber. As a bonus, the crunchiness can help clean your dog’s teeth to support their dental health and freshen their doggy breath. Make sure to remove the seeds and core since they are toxic to dogs. 

Incorporating these natural and nutrient-rich ingredients into your dog's diet not only enhances their snacking experience but also contributes to their overall health and happiness. Before giving your dog any table scraps or human foods, make sure to consult with your vet first especially if they have pre-existing health conditions or dietary restrictions. You never want to accidentally give your dog something toxic or harmful.

If you enjoyed this episode, let me know by giving this video a thumbs up, leaving a comment, and subscribing to my channel. I’ll see you in the next episode! 



Jessica Marie


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