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No Equipment Necessary

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No Equipment Necessary Musings of Jessica Marie

While the pandemic caused disruption in numerous industries, families, and careers, people don’t think about the disruption it brought to the gym scene. For decades, people relied on walking into a gym and interacting with trainers who could guide them on weight machines, but when that was no longer an option, people had to get creative with staying fit and healthy by utilizing at home workout videos

Back when I was in high school, my regular forms of physical exercise came from playing tennis and dancing in my living room. Then when I went to college, I utilized the gym on campus and later got a gym membership relatively close to the dorms. Now that I’m working 40 hours each week, running errands every single weekend, and constantly having things to mark off my To Do List, I just don’t have the time to physically go to a gym and workout everyday.

I don’t let that stop me from getting a good sweat on and burning some calories though. Some health and fitness die-hards definitely look down on the at-home workouts flooding YouTube, but there are some really good, challenging workouts on the platform. I was surprised by the difficulty of some workouts that use body weight and don’t require equipment since the traditional thought is that you’ll get the best pump from a squat rack and an elliptical machine. 

Here’s our current workout schedule:

  • Mondays - 30 minutes of strength training plus 10 minutes of abs

  • Tuesdays - 30 minutes of cardio plus 10 minutes of abs 

  • Wednesdays 30 minutes of strength training plus 10 minutes of abs

  • Thursdays - 30 minutes of cardio plus 10 minutes of abs 

  • Fridays - rest day 

  • Saturdays - hike or bike ride or rest day 

  • Sundays - rest day or 30 minutes of cardio 

The major variation in our workout schedule depends solely on our weekend plans. If we’re able to squeeze in a workout on Saturday, we will, but if not, we just focus on completing our activity on Sunday. Ever since Expect the Unexpected, I’ve enjoyed just getting out in nature to exercise. Being under the cover of trees and walking on dirt brings me immense joy considering how much time I spend sitting at a desk, glued to a computer screen. 

While exercising outside isn’t always a feasible option on the weekends, we will literally spend hours planning out hikes, nature walks, and bike rides to make sure we’re well prepared before we leave our house. Of course, getting out and about during the week is a hard ask, so we consistently complete the at-home workout videos in our living room since that’s where we have the most space to spread out. The only equipment we have are two yoga matts and sets of 3 lb, 5 lb, 12 lb, and 20 lb dumbbells. So far, it’s been efficient enough to help both of us tone up and lose excess weight we gained over the pandemic. 

I’ll share some of the workout content creators that we’ve incorporated into our weekly routine. This list is in no particular order, but I’ll provide a short description in case you want to check them out. 

  • Grow With Jo - Great beginner videos like dancing videos to popular songs. Includes videos as short as 5 minutes and as long as an hour. Has both weighted and cardio exercises. 

  • Mad Fit - Definitely have to work up to completing her videos since they are more challenging. I like to consider her our litmus test. She’s by far one of the hardest exercise content creators. Don’t get discouraged if it’s super difficult in the beginning if you’re just starting your consistent health journey. 

  • Fit By Mik - Great weighted workouts. Some of her combo moves are awkward. Lots of on the floor strength moves.

  • Body Project - Krissy’s personal favorite fitness channel. Their workouts require stamina and strength to complete. Lots of encouraging banter from Alex and Daniel to keep you motivated. Offer both cardio and weighted workouts. While they don’t post frequently, all of their videos are really good for burning calories and getting a good sweat.

  • Gains By Brains - If you want washboard abs, Sophie will get you RIGHT! We do one of her 10 minute ab videos as dessert after our main entree workout. Her moves are incredibly difficult, but oh so effective. Lots of bicycle crunches, planks, and ab pain, but quick and easy to work into your routine. 

If you have any time at all, definitely check out some of the workout content linked. When you’re early in your fitness journey, it’s easy to make excuses about not having access to a gym, not having enough time, or even feeling like the videos are too difficult to complete. It’s important to remember that a tiny step forward is still just that - a step forward. 

By giving yourself grace as your body is changing and you’re adapting to a new normal, you build the foundation for a sustainable lifestyle change and not just a quick fad that will fade at the first signs of fatigue or boredom. 

Krissy and I definitely have to stick to our schedule to stay consistent in prioritizing our health. There are numerous evenings that I am excited to workout and get a good sweat on, but there are other evenings that I just don’t feel like giving 100% effort or pushing myself. Unfortunately for me, keeping up with our workout schedule is a non negotiable that I can’t get out of. When I don’t have the extra umph to make working out easy, I rely on the routine to help me finish my nightly workout. 

For those of you listening or reading this post, don’t feel like you have to go to a gym to workout. Sometimes, you don’t have the financial resources or time for a gym membership, but you can’t let that deter you from putting your health first. Don’t sleep on the effectiveness and convenience of doing at home workouts. There are so many fitness content creators out there that you’ll be able to find a few that you really like. 

My last piece of advice - don’t give up, and always try new creators and videos to switch things up. That will help you from getting bored and falling off the wagon, while targeting different muscles and body parts to snatch into shape. Here’s to many hours of sweating, working, pushing, and putting your health first. 


Jessica Marie